Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Savaged 8/20/2014

We are born
And if, we are lucky
We grow and learn
Instead of withering away
Before we ever knew at all. 

God saves the babies
Pure, innocent and perfect
But he leaves the living with memories
That can haunt our every move. 

We can either retreat
Or we can risk
And we can either lash out
Or try and understand. 

I had a mother
And I had a father
Loving and supportive
Pushing me outwards
Into the great wide open.  

The world is indifferent
At its best
And cruel at its worst
Crushing us at will
For no reason at all. 

We emerge scarred
And hardened
Either bitter
Or afraid. 

We extend our hand
Only to be savaged
Pulling back, a bloody stump
Chewed to pieces. 

We open up our hearts
Only to find them pierced
Dripping blood forever
And incurably diseased. 

We lose
And then we lose again
Clinging to life
With just enough
To survive. 

Seldom do we ponder
What all of it means
Because most of it
Is senseless and dumb.

We witness the tragedies
Our mouths open in horror
And we carry the dead
Lifeless and stiff.

Some become angry
And others become cynics
While the few remain faithful
And loyal to the end. 

It hurts
But we go on
Taking on, more and more
Knowing that in the end
We will lose. 

But he who loses, gains
And he who lashes out, dies
As we are culled and collected
Each according to his heart. 

I am scarred
But I do not
Need a mask
And even though I suffer
I am not afraid.  

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