Thursday, August 21, 2014

Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming  8/21/2014

There is a little man in your head
And a big man in your heart
But it takes faith to listen
To the quiet conscience of God. 

This is not for sport
And this is not a game
But rather it is a calling
That I never knew to ask.

The earth is crumbling
Beneath our feet
And the skies
Are split with thunder
With nowhere left for us to run
Or hide.

We are conditioned to appease
And we are taught to surrender
Always hoping someone will help
Or that none of it, is real.

But all the signs are here
And the knife is at our throat
With nothing left to cling to
But honor and prayer.

Evil is here
And it is all around
Watching your every move
For any chance to strike. 

Evil is patient
And evil is cruel
Hiding in plain sight
With cold lifeless eyes.

Soulless, spiritless,
Hateful and dead
Multiplying daily
To consume and destroy.

Give not a single inch
And feed not the machine
Existing only to steal
Obfuscate and deceive. 

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