Monday, August 18, 2014


Primordial 8/18/2014

Another day slips into time
As our thoughts drift
Into other dimensions
While we sleep to remember
And awaken, to forget.

The past comes with us
Irretrievable and dead
As we remain recumbent
And dumb.    

We live in cliches
And believe in myths
Even though reality
Stares right through us
Burning with rage.   

For some there is forgiveness
But for others
Only hatred
As we assume the worst
Over and over again. 

But the truth is huge
And immovable
As solid as a mountain
Made of iron. 

God knows
And that is, what matters
As all else is held captive
By primordial emotions. 

Come swiftly
And come soon
Because nothing can last forever
Not even this
And not even now. 

Revealing every detail, 
Thought, and action 
The true and the hidden
The good, and the bad.   

Burn it into stone
And split the sky in two
Dissolving every lie
Thick and heavy. 

Unheralded and unknown
The good are abused
Every single day
Over and over again. 

But be mindful
Of what you do and say
Because only the good
Will ever admit
That they might be wrong. 

Life hurts
But memory is eternal
As God saves what is lost
And knows what is worthy.   


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