Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Firepower 8/26/2014

A long time coming
And building under our feet
The shifting of ages
In sand and rock. 

The friction remains silent
As the avalanche nears
Getting heavier and heavier
One inch at a time. 

For some it seems unlikely
That we have made it so far
And the silence can fool you
Into forgetting 
The danger over your head.

But just because, it hasn’t happened
Doesn’t mean that it won’t
And just because some are gentle
Doesn't mean,
That they are weak.

A good man holds his tongue
And is slow to judge
Careful and conscientious
Dutiful and polite. 

But even the best of men
Can reach the end of time
As everything comes unglued
And spins out of control.  

The world has begun to wobble
And the heroic age is here
A time for some to stand
And open up their mouths.

There is nothing more precious
Than truth
And the truth
It is everywhere
Right under our nose.

Good is evil
And evil is good  
But even this, cannot last
As the minutes are measured
And disappearing fast.  

They are the weak
Who scavenge like animals
Always searching for prey
Unaware and unprepared.  

But kindness
Is often a condition of strength
And that is where the secret lies
As the end swallows the beginning
And the tsunami hits the shore. 

Come now!
And do not waste a minute!
Because the climactic moment nears
As the good are splintered
And surrounded on every side. 

Lightening comes
And the sky drips with fire
As the whirlwind churns
Furious and demonic. 

We are spared!
And evil consumed!
Just as we knew
And just as was said. 

Come away!
And have no part of it!
The dumb, dead and wrong
As its spasms
And as it flails. 

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