Thursday, August 28, 2014


Squeeze 8/28/2014   

The dead are living
And the living are dead
As we try and crawl through a pinhole
On our way to the end.

Pushing at others
But never pushing ourselves
We circle again
Without thinking at all. 

Rudderless and pointless
We ride an empty vessel
To an unknown destination
Of obvious extinction. 

You can tell by the face
What is hidden in the mind
As God gives us clues
In parchment and clay.

But many refuse to see
And are blinded by emotion
Unable to accept
What is obvious and true.

Paint a picture of courage
At the moment of recognition
Turning our heads backwards
In defiance and determination. 

The tipping point is reached
And now are eyes are opened
At long last immoveable
Heroic and noble.

For we have taken the leap
And no longer fear
A long time coming
A deep and terrible dawning.

This is the beginning
Of a long forgotten ending
As the king gathers his harvest
And grinds the rest under.  

Rejoice at the revelation
That now we can see
Everything for what it is
And what it should be.

There greatest victory awaits
But not without bitter sacrifice
As we let go of all allusions
And step into the fray. 

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