Monday, November 25, 2013


Irreconcilable   11/25/2013      

There are some things
That cannot be reconciled
And even with the passage of time
We are still speechless 
And horrified.

I remember the feeling
And I can still feel the twinge
As I remember the agony
Of losing 
All that I loved.

I don’t understand
And I don’t know, if I should
How such an evil worm
Could crawl in my life
And cut me in half. 

But that’s what happened
And I am neither the first
Nor the last
Cut off in the middle
Just before the harvest. 

Anger changes nothing
And tears fall useless in the rain
While we bury our heads
In our hands
And think that we will die.

God knows
But I sure don’t
About why I had to suffer
And why I had to lose.

It could always be worse
And I know, that I should be thankful
But words are cheap
When you suffer 
And are reminded in every way. 

No matter what I do
Or how much I try
That is, the piece of glass
Stuck in my throat.

Never able to swallow it down
Or cough it back up
Sharp, painful,
Piercing and cold.

No matter how much time 
Has passed
I still feel dirty and stained
Rejected, abandoned,
Disregarded and shamed

Judged and passed over
I am disheveled and cursed
As I walk uneasily, guarded,
Hesitant, and meek.

Brought low and exposed 
And deemed less than a worm
Released and forgotten
To die in the snow.

It happens to someone
Every single day
But we never bother to think
Because we have been spared
For another day and night.

There is nothing worse
Than dreams
You have never lived
And nothing more painful
Than cruel indifference. 

Now I see
And now I know
What it means
And how it feels. 

I could wait forever
But it would still be the same
Because this is how it is
And this is what it costs.


Friday, November 22, 2013


Synchronicity 11/22/2013

Not everything makes sense
And the days often drag by
Uneventful and wasted
But with wisdom we learn
That everything has a reason.

I was born for this time
And it is more than an honor
Even if it is hard
And even if I suffer.

Some events are hard to miss
And they can galvanize a nation
But others are so small and incremental
That almost no one notices at all. 

Daily life goes on
As we get up for school or work
Punctuated by either happiness
Or horror. 

Nothing lasts forever
And how quickly we forget
As we lose our moorings
And drift out to sea.

We shy away from uncomfortable truths
And prefer instead
To fight the easy battles
That waste our time
And punish the good. 

Evil always survives
And patiently waits
Waiting for us to become overconfident
And distracted.

Letting us wander
Far from home
Until we think we are immune
And pretend
That all is well. 

Sometimes our true enemies
Are not who, we think they are
Close as a friend
Or confidant.

Watching every move
Opportunistic and cunning
Without a conscience
Or a soul.

Cut off and cut down
Split open and dissected
Just before
And just because.

We make fun of myths
But believe in a fable
Wise enough to know better
But too cowardly to act.

It’s not about being better
Or worse
But it is about finding the courage
To think and speak. 

Yes we are different
Aberrant and apart
But there are worse things
Than losing
And being alone.

Long after
Time has lost its meaning
We shall know and understand
What it all meant
And where it all leads.

Cry out the truth
Even if it hurts
For all of us will die
But only a few ever live
And learn.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Second Sight

Second Sight 11/21/2013

There is an eye inside my head
Its function unknown
Sensitive to light
And shrouded in mystery.

For some it is a gland
But for others 
A seat for the soul
But like many other things
It remains dark, and misunderstood.

There are things
That we cannot see
Right in front of our eyes
But even if, we will not look
It does not mean
That it’s not there. 

We walk around half blinded
Dazzled by trivial pursuits
And gaudy distractions
But even in a fog
You can feel the siren
Going off, in your brain. 

The kind of feeling
When your hair stands on end
When you know
That you should turn around
Or look the other way. 

We have all felt it
And we know how
It prickles the skin
As our senses pick up something
That we do not understand.

The signal is picked up
By a type of vision
The kind we cannot explain
But are trained to ignore. 

Look inside
And see yourself
With a cold and frosty eye
As to where you have been
And where you are going.

What is it?
We really want
And what is it?
That we have done. 

Who is it?
That loves us
And who is it?
That hates us
Because the only thing we can control
Is what we leave behind.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Dovetail   11/20/2013

The rocks are moving
Under my feet
Even though I cannot feel it
And the dead are whispering in our ears
Even though we cannot hear
And cannot see.

Names, dates and numbers
Mark our times
Coming at us randomly
But always falling into a pattern
Only after, it’s too late.

Change ripples outwards
And reverberates over time
As we free fall
Deeper and deeper
From where we once were.

Public events and private betrayal
Worm their way through time
Low, evil, and merciless
Deadly, cold, and accurate. 

One thing leads to another
And all of it
Leads to death
As the cut outs are sacrificed
One, two, and three.

The herd grows thick
And expendable
Just like you can imagine
And just like they want.

Emotional, dumb and blind
Easily led and easily killed
Thriving on promises
And crumbs. 

But woe to the man
Who wants something more
A meaningful life
Full of opportunity
And possibility. 

For creativity cannot be controlled
And it comes in unpredictable ways
Blessing with the spirit
Who it will and when. 

But all of this still survives
Unseen and unrecognized 
In ways not yet discovered
And exploited.

Create anyway
Even though you have lost
And explore the heart boldy 
Even when you are crushed.

There will always be hope
And there will always be God
Though men may plot,
Murder and steal.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Smarter   11/19/2013

I sat in a meeting
Like a thousand times before
Where different people
Try and think up new ideas
Just like they did 
A thousand times before.

We look different 
But we all think the same
Falling down a path of least resistance
Safe and dead.

Everything that is done
Has been done before
But every time we do it
It gets more rediculous
Because we have all forgotten
And never learned a thing.  

Robotic, dumb, passionless, and dead
Because its all about, how it looks
And never about, what is right
Just another day in the life
Racing inside a wheel
That never moves at all. 

We pretend that its important
And we pretend that we care
Even everybody knows
That it makes no difference at all.  

We add layers on the top
But never question a thing
As we crush all those below
For no reason at all.  

Move the chairs and change the names
But in the end
It all rots the same
Useless, wasted, and dumb
As we smile and clap
And sink beneath the waves.

You can either make it worse
Or you can make it better
But even leaving it alone
Is better than
Wasting your effort
And wasting their life. 

There is nothing left to prove
Once you have seen
And once you know
But still we forge ahead 
None the wiser
Smart, dumb, and dead.