Monday, December 31, 2012

Up and Over

Up and Over 12/31/2012

The truth rears its head
Huge, grotesque and grinning
And inevitable.

And there is nothing we can say
And nothing we can do
Because there is no one to blame
Except maybe ourselves.

We should have seen it coming
But we just ignored all the symptoms
Letting them all metastasize
Beneath the surface.

Chipping away at liberty
And tearing off pieces of flesh
We live and die
By a thousand cuts.

But that is life
And that is death
Always coming
And nipping at our heels.

We were born to die
And we are destined to fail
No matter what we say
Or how hard we try.

We plug up the holes
And keep on chugging
Until it’s too late
And the water pours in.

We all have something we love
And we all have something to protect
A false sense of security
And middle class careers.

But how precious
Will our treasures prove
When they are seized and wasted
And how important
Will our reputations be
When we are silenced and persecuted.

Yes this is it
The future that we made
Every time we said ok
And looked the other way.

The very earth beneath our feet
The hallowed ground of our fathers
Eroded away
Until nothing remains
Sucking us all down
And inwards.

Like a herd of buffalo
Heading off a cliff
Loaded down with parasites
And full of arrows.

Up and over
Dead and done
So much for the memories
Rotting away in the sun.

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