Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Smoke Rings

Smoke Rings 12/18/2012

Like birds fighting over a fishbone
So is the saga of man
Pulling and tugging at nothing
And falling all over ourselves.

We work and strive for a better life
But all of it disappears in a second
As we huddle together
And wait for the end.

Evil has a mind
And evil has a face
Cold, gaunt, skeletal
Cold and demonic.

The young go to heaven
While we live in hell
Spoon fed by television
How to act, think, and feel.

Today may not be the end
And maybe not tomorrow
But nothing lasts forever
And neither will we.

But for every puppet
There is a hand
And for every message
There is a story.

We are played like fools
Until we are too old to fight
And then we walk like sheep
Into that good night.

If life is such a waste
Then why not be a rebel
Sticking out our heads
Just enough to be noticed.

What is the worst
That any man can do
Nothing but push us
Back down
Or call us names.

Some may suffer
But all men suffer
And some may die
But all men die.

Better it is to die a free man
Surviving by his wits
And tenacity
Then it is to die
In the safety of slavery
And lies.

For what is life
But a thin wisp of smoke
Better to be used wholly
Than wasted on the way.

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