Thursday, December 20, 2012


Splinters 12/20/2012

Some shall go gently
Into that long night
But others shall fall hard
Head over heels
And onto their swords.

One chapter ends
And another begins
A natural break
In the story of man.

It could be slow
Or it could be quick
The change in the air
By rule, thought, or disaster.

How long will it be?
Before our thoughts are searched
And our DNA scanned
Knowing every move
And every idea.

Who will decide
Who shall live or die
And who shall judge the powers
Of oligarchs’
And dictators.

Such is the folly of man
Giving away all his choices
For nothing
But propaganda
And lies.

One thing leads to another
And everything we see
Is twisted beyond recognition
Force fitted into a narrative
That no one will question.

The world may not be ending
But man has run his course
Ruining everything he touches
And everything that works.

Taking everything and giving nothing
We throw over the rope
And string it tight
Killing ourselves and killing the future
Just to get what we want.

What fools are the short sighted
Who only see how it looks
Condemning their children to mediocrity
Just to feel good about themselves.

Blind to the wisdom of the ages
That a man is at his best
When he does what is right
Striving for what is higher
No matter if he suffers
Or hurts.

False pride is the feeling
Of a new and deadly sun
Feeding the flames of hatred
And envy.

Tomorrow may not be the end
As things do not always happen on cue
But rather when we lay down to sleep
Sigh, and close our eyes.

A Great tree
Contains many splinters
But only one matchstick
Can burn a forest.

The many can swarm the good
And they can kill a few
But the fire they start
Can quickly turn
Burning themselves
Roasted and dead.

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