Monday, December 3, 2012

Bloody Water

Blood in the Water 12/3/2012

Some days are longer than others
But still they pass bye
And die in the night
Gone forever
And impossible to retrieve.

The good and the evil die
And in the morning
Everything is the same
The birds chirp
And the sun rises.

Gradually the frost gives way
Coffee warms the blood
And we log in
For another try
And another day.

The news is the same as yesterday
As murder, suicide and horror
Unravels across the world
Incrementally growing
Every single day.

A whole world is dying
And a whole experience is gone
Passing by almost unnoticed
Invisible and gray.

We mourn the loss in the different ways
And many men have felt the pain
Of quiet longing for simple pleasures
Freedom and tranquility.

But the loss is not ours
And the killers are exposed
Loudly boasting
And rolling in the dirt.

They bar their teeth
And they frolic in the water
As tiny rivulets of blood
Run off their backs
And cloud the sea.

Pray for the ghosts
And pray for the spirits
Because their time is at hand
Thundering across the sky.

A great clash shall come
And it has already happened
The future overlapping the past
And the past predicting the end.

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