Friday, December 21, 2012

Doomsday Cowboy

Doomsday Dark 12/21/2012

A cold wind blasts my face
And you can see my breath
Hanging in the air
As I walk down the gray streets
Like so many days before.

Another day of the same
And another day
Slogging it out
In a mindless bureaucracy
More dead than alive.

The world grinds on
Even as the machines rust
Slowly lurching forward
And groaning
Under the strain.

We get tired
And we get impatient
Just waiting for something to give
Or something to change.

I have not given up
And I am still here
More defiant than ever
And twice as determined.

Maybe things will get better
Or maybe they will get worse
But either way
The fight goes on.

For every end
There is also a beginning
And for every loss
There is renewal
And growth.

Even the unthinkable
Can never stop love
For love survives
Even horror and death.

The spirit is strong
And I can feel it now
Surging in my veins
And discharging
Out my fingers.

The words come out
Like machine gun fire
Rapidly flowing
From heart to hand.

There were days
I did not think I would make it
When I thought I would die
In misery and rejection.

There are things
I will never understand
But then again
What is reason
In a world gone insane.

The end comes
Not when we watch
But on all the days
When we forget
And fall asleep.

It comes upon us
Like a friend with a knife
Slipping it in our backs
And twisting it slowly.

God looks down
And sees our lives
Spread out on a ruler
Knowing our decisions
And our prayers.

He who has made us
Also sees our end
Even as we speak
And even as we think.

Everything that was
Or ever will be
Strung out over a flat surface
In a single field of vision.

We will never be perfect
And we will never be finished
But the new world will never come
Until this one is over
Fully ripe and rotten.

I have not given up
And I am still here
More defiant than ever
And twice as determined.

There is nothing to stop us
And there is nothing left to fear
Nothing but endless opporutnity
To succeed or fail.

These are trying times
And it is easy to become complacent
And shallow.

It is easy to give in
And surrender to the tides
Letting the prevailing winds
Drive us into oblivion.

God only knows
What more we must suffer
But as for me
I pray for the strength
To never give an inch
And always seek the truth.

So here is to the survivors
Who are still standing
The last battallion
Of warrior poets.

Not all victory is in the flesh
And not even the ghosts
Know the day and the hour
When at last we understand.

But blessed are the men
Who believe without seeing
In a world greater than this
And brighter than the sun.

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