Monday, December 10, 2012

Dead Dawn

Critical Mass 12/10/2012

They say that time
Heals all wounds
But that is not always true
Because it’s the old wound
That cut me the deepest
And heals from the inside out.

She took out my heart
But never closed up
The hole
A gaping, sucking, ditch
Full of blood and pus.

Bleeding forever
And never closing
A deep, black crevasse
Always empty
And aching.

I will never be as beautiful
As I was then
And I will never be as self assured
Or as safe.

The easy smile are gone
And nothing will bring them back
Because everything that was good
Is desolate,
And abandoned.

The man that I was
Might as well be dead
Buried facing downwards
With a knife in his back.

But who should be surprised
And who should be shocked
Because that is the way of men
Who put themselves
Ahead of God.

They have made their world
And this is what they will own
Taking everything they can
And tipping everything over the side.

The critical moment has come
As the locusts consume the harvest
Carrying away every last shred
Until nothing remains.

But nothing lasts forever
And even the plagues
Shall spend themselves
Dying in heaps
At the side of the road.

Even the good die
And even the noble
Often lose
But in the end
Just like the beginning
Vengeance is Gods.

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