Thursday, December 13, 2012

Zig Zag

Zig Zag 12/13/2012

Looking back
We remember the ups and downs
The euphoric highs
And the devastating lows.

We forget the in between days
The decades of neutral gray
When nothing changes
Except imperceptible time.

We remember the insults
And when we were wronged
No matter how small
Or accidental.

And we cherish the heady days
Of first loves
And butterfly kisses
No matter how infrequent
Or underserved.

We feel a familiar twinge
When we remember the
Long last looks
And tearful goodbyes.

We live and we learn
But backslide again and again
Always forgetting what matters
And what does not.

The money comes
And the money goes
While we strive
And jostle
Over nothing at all.

I get better
And then I get worse
Rising above one day
And sinking down the next.

Wasting my time
And wasting our lives
Measuring our value
Against imaginary standards
And subjective lies.

But all of this and more
Is what makes us who we are
The getting up and going to work
Every single day.

The moments when we resisted the urge
To strike out in anger
Or when we did what was right
Even if it hurt.

It can take a lifetime
To master our emotions
And the fight never ends
Against egoism and pride.

But the fight goes on
Whether we know it or not
The war within
And the war without.

But every time we stand
And every time we smile
Even in bitter loss
We become worthy
And more than a conquerer.

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