Monday, December 17, 2012

Ebb and Flow

12/17/2012 Ebb and flow

Time wears down the senses
And makes us numb to the gore
Desensitizing the good
And emboldening the worst.

Rising up inside
In fevered desires
An evil inspiration
Hatched by the times.

Powerful men
Care only for themselves
As they do their best to lie
And force out
Crocodile tears.

Welcome to the end
And welcome to the beginning
A future and the past
Bathed in blood
And running away.

The doors are broken down
And they have come off their hinges
Letting in the monsters
To eat their own.

The innocent cry out for protection
Just like they knew
They would
Ready for any false savior
To enslave us all.

Behold the horror of man
And beware the false promises
Because barbarity is coming
For you and for me.

Many have died in silence
Because they were too afraid to speak
And many have been persecuted
Because they dared not interfere.

The poetry goes on
And we are blind to the truth
That some are unreachable
Soulless and dead.

There is no mercy
In a world gone insane
And there is no escape
Without courage and loss.

Evil is real
Now more than ever
Rearing its hoary head
In vacant minds.

You can blame anybody
If you have a megaphone
Drowning out the opposition
In a one-sided lie.

God lives
And he will claim the good
Spending his wrath upon the worm
Writhing in our brains.

Though they hide in caves
He will find them
And though they exalt themselves
He shall humble them.

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