Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Dead Man's Stagger

Today is like any other day
Another day at the office
And another day at the trough
Sitting in our chairs
And taking what we get.

No one asks questions
And no one rocks the boat
Because it doesn’t matter what we think
If all that matters
Is how it looks.

We pretend we don’t notice
What happens outside
And we pretend that everything’s okay
As the world implodes.

I work my day
And collect my check
Motivated by fear
And never by hope.

Too burdened by debt
And too exhausted to care
Our minds numb
And our hearts heavy.

Watched every minute
We are told what to believe
Because the truth is forbidden
And freedom is betrayed.

The day will come
When no one remembers
What it was
That we had
And what it was
We lost.

I am a number
And so also are you
Nothing but a nuisance
And an obligation.

You can never solve a problem
If you can’t say what it is
And you can never make a difference
If the truth is demonized.

It is all around us
And grows in the dark
A creeping infection of the spirit
Killing us every day.

Killing our nerves
And deadening our senses
Making the living full of regret
And walking like the dead.

A heaviness fills the air
And a hopelessness drags me back
Pulling me downwards
And into the ground.

Soon the dead shall live
And the living shall cry
Because all the time in the world
Has never been enough
Neglected, wasted,
Murdered and abused.

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