Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Safe Room

The Safe Room 12/12/12

Sometimes I laugh
And sometimes I smile
But no matter how hard I try
I still feel the loss.

I am no longer safe
And I am no longer foolish
Sold out and forgotten
By those who swore to protect
And defend.

My home is gone
And my world unrecognizable
A paradise lost
And ravaged by time.

Some have awakened
And some still sleep
But others sleep forever
In the dirt
And in the dust.

They have hidden themselves
And protected their treasure
Hiding behind privilege
And authority.

Wise in their own eyes
They have betrayed the fallen
And condemned their children
To a life of servitude
And derision.

Sitting in safety
In glass and steel towers
They skew the truth
Any which way they like.

Never held accountable
And never telling the truth
They hide behind the same old stories
We have all heart before.

Look around
And you will see the reality
That horrible sinking feeling
That the best days
Are gone.

Our minds are poisoned
And our future is a sham
Unsustainable and untenable
And saturated with blood.

They look the other way
And ridicule the good
While a cruel and barbarous
Men steal everything they can.

But no matter how much they try
They will never succeed
Because some of us are awake
And some of us
Will survive.

The payment will come due
For all the pain they have wrought
And it will paid in full

Be not intimidated
And be not afraid
Because sometimes things get worse
Before the tide turns.

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