Thursday, December 6, 2012


Solitaire 12/6/2012

Man is strong
But we also need each other
And there is nothing worse
Than loneliness
And rejection.

Not every child is loved
And not every child is taught
Becoming man made monsters
By abuse and neglect.

These are the things
That trouble the heart
And haunt our dreams
Burning images into our brains
That never die.

I have no answers
For the cruelty of man
Beyond my comprehension
Dark and alien.

And I have no explanation
For the selfishness of fools
Operating without a conscience
And corrupting everything they love
And everything they touch.

They shall get their reward
And fall upon their words
Reaping the harvest
That they have sown.

I was loved enough to know
How much it can hurt
And now that I have lived,
And lost
I know what it’s worth.

A gaping hole
Is in my heart
And it bleeds
Into my chest.

Sapping away my strength
And aching every day
Always searching for what is missing
And will never return.

The journey upward
Is hard
And the road home
Is full of suffering.

But without pain
How would we ever know
The value of new beginnings
And redemption.

Now my eyes are opened
And now my heart understands
Growing closer to God
Inch by inch.

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