Friday, November 30, 2012

Teeth of the Hydra

Teeth of the Hydra 11/30/2012

Spider webs are not made overnight
And a paralyzed prey
Need not be killed immediately
Drained of blood
Or eaten outright.

The heads of the hydra
Hiss and snap
And the battle seems unwinnable
And submission inevitable.

But we are not prey by nature
And paralysis is a choice
As we slowly succumb
To self delusion.

We are told that resistance is futile
And that the tide is inevitable
As the statistics converge
And the numbers dwindle.

A secret slaughter has started
And numberless are the dead
Murdered while defenseless
To kill the promise
And thin the herd.

But this is not the first time
The man has tilted the scales
And the future is like the past
Doomed to fail again.

A voice cries out
And says the day has come
When one comes before
And another after
The first the lesser
And the second the greater.

The truth has no perspective
And truth has no pride
Larger than their hatred
And larger than their minds.

Come quickly
And do what you will
Because the good suffer
And die on the vine.

My hopes and my prayers
Go upwards from my head
Ascending to heaven
To knock at his door.

The horses are ready
And so are the saints
Armed with immortal truth
And ready to ride.

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