Monday, November 26, 2012

Plastic Intersection

Plastic Intersection 11/26/2012

The world is like an ant farm
Set up on a table
A universe enclosed in plastic
Transparent and sealed.

We dig our tunnels
From one point to another
And connect them together
Building cities
And furiously striving
To eat and survive.

But our world is flat
And self contained
Enclosed with boundaries
No man can cross.

And there is nothing hidden
And nothing secret
As we struggle
And spin our wheels.

Living in a straight line
All we see
And all we do
From the beginning to the end
Height, width, and depth.

Our times play out
From one end to another
And viewed all at once
From another dimension
We cannot touch.

We can sink in our teeth
And suck out the juices
And carry the dead on our backs
But nothing can change
Who we are
And what we do.

God can tip us over
And God can dump us out
Crushing us at will
Or save us with a finger.

He knew me before
And he knitted my bones together
Loving me before I knew
And loving me anyway.

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