Thursday, November 29, 2012

Silent Smile

Silent Smile 11/29/2012

To be happy
Is to make a choice
But misery comes uninvited
Until we learn
How to love.

To know wisdom
Is to discern
Good from evil
And the truth from lies.

Patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned
As hours become days
And weeks become years.

If we could see terror coming
There would be no surprise
The obvious enemy
Charging up our shores.

But evil doesn’t always work
The way it has before
So it will try to still sneak in
Just to even the score.

Hidden in the shadows
And wearing a disguise
Just to get inside
And kill us from behind.

But the sun shall find the problem
And concentrate its rays
Magnified though a glass
Burning away the foolish,
Hateful, and crass.

There are always second chances
And sometime there are more
But nothing is forever
As the knob rattles
And cracks open the door.

The foolish have their time
But even this
Shall come to an end
Over ripe and overwrought
Thunderstruck and dead.

But as for me
I learned to smile
Burning them through
Every time we meet.

The mountains have fallen
And the world spins
Wildly off its axis
But I remain unmoved
And unimpressed.

What is given
Is never earned
And what is taken
Can never be owned.

My smile is warning
And my happiness a flame
Smoldering beneath the surface
And flashing in my eyes.

Now I know
And there is no turning back
Man from memory
Ancient and true.

The good have won
And all is finished
Just around the corner
Secret and sure.

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