Friday, November 2, 2012


Diablo 11/2/2012

Time is like a line
On a piece of paper
And God sees it all
The beginning and the end.

Just outside of our dimension
Our soul is downloaded
Into the flesh
Like information on a chip
Or data on a crystal.

We think and we breathe
But we cannot penetrate the glass
Separating men
From Demons and Angels.

We occupy a foreign land
And operate in a foreign body
Aliens in a fallen world
All alone and dying.

We fear
What we cannot see
Like shadows in the dark
And bumps in the night.

So we strive to control
And seek to understand
Always assuming
And always failing.

I woke up with my heart pounding
And felt my throat constrict
Unable to sleep
And unable to relax.

I was alone
More alone than ever
Without anyone who really understood
What it meant to have
And what it meant to lose.

But not all the unknown
Is something to be avoided
But rather it is to be embraced
Because it is there that
Anything can happen
No matter how improbable

I will never forget the feeling
And the blood rushing in my ears
As I felt my body dying
As I wept
Warm and bloody tears.

Life hurts
And love destroys
Especially if we really mean it
Deep down in our soul.

My life crumbled before me
And everything turned to dust
And food lost its taste
And drink lost its effect.

Day and night lost all meaning
As time slowed to a stop
As the hours became a blur
Delirious and surreal.

I am not the only one
Who has been left to die
As others watched in silence
And mocked their every move.

There are no words to describe
What it really means
To stand with your head held high
In devastating loss
And horrifying betrayal.

But I lived through the night
And now I laugh anyway
Because the challenge has been met
And evil defeated
Even as it murders
And even as it boasts.

Others may watch
But God is watching them
Above and beyond
And in control.

And I shall not fear the end
And I shall not be defeated
Even though the good are martyred
And drug through the streets.

Soon shall the sky fall
And soon shall the end come
But I am ready to be called
And I am ready to fight.

Do not despair
And never give up an inch
Because woe unto him
Who schemes and plots.

Though they call me the devil
And bray at the moon
God knows the difference
And sees their every move.

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