Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning 11/21/2012

Better ask for the check
Because it’s almost time to go
Its getting dark outside
And heads are going to roll.

Nothing ever changes
And some people never grow
Until the lid comes off
And we see who survives
And who will fold.

You can look at the stars
And you can look for the signs
Navigating by satellite
From one place to another.

But if you remember where you started
And if you remember who you are
You can see the difference
And measure the distance.

Stare ahead and see the truth
On the street
And on the computer screen
Screaming out for us to notice
The horror and the loss.

Chaos and brutality
Violence and humiliation
As every last shred of decency
Is attacked again and again.

But this is not the first time
That we have fallen
But this shall be the last time
That the good are murdered.

Nothing is secret
And nothing is forgotten
All of it remembered
Catalogued and stored.

Vengeance is coming
And nothing shall hold it back
Bearing down upon the guilty
And only a step behind.

You can almost feel it building
Beneath the surface
Has the ignorant spew hatred
And laugh and dance.

Their time is coming to an end
And it shall be thorough and complete
With no regrets
And no survivors.

But for those who choose
We shall endure
And we shall win
No matter what we lose.

And all of this
Will make sense
At last, everything will be known
And understood.

All of the suffering and all of the pain
Will be seen for what it was
The growing pains of struggling spirits
On our way to knowledge and wisdom.

Truth will emerge
And devour the world
Silencing all the accusers
Once and for all.

The man who lives as a savage
Is no man at all
Nothing but evil
Answered with a vengeance
Inevitable and sure.

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