Thursday, November 1, 2012

Christening the Longship

Christening the Longship 11/1/2012

In a pool of blood
A flower floats
Spinning upside down
And flowing down the gutter.

All that was
Is gone in an instant
And all that we are
Is single puff of smoke.

We think we are safe
And pretend we have forever
As if we could never fail
And never die.

But others to
Have felt this way
Here for centuries
And gone in a day.

The barbarians came to plunder
While the Romans watched their circus
Laughing at death
And drinking their wine.

Argument for the sake of argument
And so full of ourselves
So we spend our time attacking the good
Anything to avoid reality.

But reality is here
As it hungrily consumes the stragglers
Barring its teeth
Dripping with blood.

Just a step away from horror
And a day or two from hunger
We feed all our appetites
While the cities burn.

Call me what you want
And say that I am a devil
But nothing can change what is true
Whether I am right
Or wrong.

The valkyries scream through the air
Picking up the corpses
On their way to vahallah
But yet we still live
Covered in blood.

I wish this all
Was not true
But God has given us a spirit
And warned us
With signs.

We have just scratched the surface
But we should know enough for now
That greater things lie ahead
Than anything we have done.

A light within has opened
And bolts of lightening
Have ignited my heart
Filling me with words
And dread.

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