Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Reaper

The Reaper 11/8/2012

Light a candle
And turn off the lights
Shut the door
And stare into a mirror.

Do it now because
All the masks have fallen
And we shall see and know
All the faces of death.

We can rise up
And never back down
And fearless.

Or we can take a gun
And put it to our head
Pulling the trigger
And bang we are dead.

Now all eyes are opened
And now its easy to see
All the fools in the world
Here, there and everywhere.

With their nose in the air
And their minds in the gutter
Bobbing their heads
And waving their hands.

I tread softly down the street
With the biggest stick around
Hidden inside my skull
And connected to my hands.

Evil has a grip on the world
And small men
Are drunk with its power
Looking at the humble with contempt
And their followers
With laughter.

But someone larger is in control
And he shall bring them down
Destroyed and disgraced
But not by human hands.

The long march uphill
Is not without its hazards
As many slide downwards
And devolve along the way.

Falling into the primordial soup
Where they just sit and wait
Fed and watered by someone else
Always waiting to be rescued
And always wanting more.

But I have dug in my heels
And I grasp with my hands
Ever upward
And ever higher.

Words are cheap
And no man can go forward
If he is always looking backwards
To things that have happened
And failed every time.

Many great men have fallen
And some are beaten in the street
Attacked without warning
And stomped on the ground.

No one asks why
And no one dares to speak
But only a fool can stay quiet
At the carnage on the street.

Even a few
Have done great things
When committed to a cause
And fearless.

I am not afraid
And neither should you
Because what can man do
That can last forever.

Struggling ever higher
And going against the grain
No matter how much it hurts
Or what you are called.

Some might call me the devil
And they may hate the way I look
But I am not going to hell
Like the one
That thrives
Here on the earth.

"Soon" is the whisper
That I hear in the wind
As waves of leaves
Surge across the grass
Sending a shiver up my spine
And cold air in my lungs.

All the mighty shall fall
And even the kings shall be humbled
And every man judged
By the truth
Stark, unforgiving,
Pure and deadly.

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