Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Ramrod 11/6/2012

If there is a time
Then let it be now
And if there is a place
Then let it be here.

If a man has anything
Then let it be his destiny
Charting his own course
For the better
Or the worse.

And let his life be his own
And unfettered
True to his own merit
For once and for all.

The hard path
Leads to glory
Even if its difficult
And full of danger.

But the easy path
Leads to death
Sure and safe
Guided by others
All the way down.

Freedom has never been free
And blood has watered the ground
For liberty
Over and over again.

Man seeks safety
And man seeks approval
Giving in
And giving up.

But every man should know
That safety is not worth slavery
And security a joke
When all men die.

We hang by our fingertips
Off a steep and mighty cliff
With nothing to save us
But tenacity and defiance.

The weak have made their beds
And foolishly they will fall
Useful as a shovel
And dumb as rock.

Used up and discarded
At the very first chance
And bitten by the dogs
That they have fed.

Upside down and backwards
We look through a concave mirror
Viewing the past
And guessing the future.

The mercury is in the cylinder
And the rotation is about to start
As one thing leads to another
And the flesh melts away.

The future will happen
No matter which way we turn
Either sooner or later
The truth shall emerge.

Evil shall spend its power
In a few months or years
Exploding outwards in a rage
To take all it can.

But if not today
And not tomorrow
Then soon enough for sure
All this shall pass away
And man shall be judged
Squarely at last.

There will be no excuses
And there will be no exemptions
Nothing but the heart
And nothing but the soul.

God shall speak
And all shall listen
Without special privileges
Or false protection.

We shall live by our merit
And shall love without condition
At last as we should have been
Long ago and far away.

The spirit is strong
And no evil shall prevail
Even though we doubt
And even though we fail.

Come quickly
And let us see your hand
Greater than our ideas
And foolish faith in man.

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