Friday, November 16, 2012

The Fishbowl

The fishbowl 11/16/2012

There is nothing more silent
Than the sky at night
Covering the earth
Like a thick heavy blanket.

I stand and wait
For something to change
Like a comet
Blazing across the sky.

Nothing happens
And nothing changes
Except me
And all that I am.

Time is like a ruler
Laid out on a table
Straight and narrow
Flat and dead.

And I am like a stick figure
Scribbled on the paper
Created out of boredom
In the middle of a day dream.

I live and I learn
But I can never escape
Flattened by gravity
And crushed by the rod.

No longer does the night
Hold any mystery
And no longer do I feel
That I should understand.

I am lonely
And there is no one to blame
Even though I really did try
Because somebody always has to lose
And somebody has to die.

I am not surprised
Because I always knew
That nothing is forever
And everything decays
No matter how well protected
Or loved.

But life goes on
And we give up more
Until we have learned it all
And have nothing left to give.

Only to linger in fevered delrium
As our breathing becomes shallow
Until we gasp like a fish
And die in our bed.

The dead are free
And the dead don’t care
Above and beyond
Smoky and pure.

They see me
Both the beginning and the end
Always struggling
Blind and dumb.

Blazing comets are beautiful
And a burning meteor is surreal
Few and far between
Like love and fury.

But rather they are gifts
To be cherished
And remembered
Beautiful, rare,
Sweet, and pure.

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