Monday, November 5, 2012

Dead Lovers, and The Choice

Dead Lovers 11/5/2012

It was more than a feeling
The way that I loved
A deep and fast moving river
Flowing through my heart.

I gave myself over totally
And leaped with drunken abandon
Headlong off a cliff
And into her arms.

Opening up myself
And opening up my heart
Without reservation
Or cautious restraint.

I indulged myself
And paid little attention
To what others might think
Or what she would need.

Assuming that what she wanted
Was the same as me
And always at the same time
Foolish, selfish,
Thoughtless and dumb.

For a moment
I felt it
On top of the world
With everything I needed
And everything I wanted.

I had it all
But I always wanted more
Always impatient
And never satisfied.

I wanted more than she could give me
And more than the world could offer
As I raged against what was wrong
I forgot to appreciate
What was right.

By the time I knew contentment
It was already too late
And I never saw the knife coming
Before it stuck in my back.

But that is the cruelty of man
As we nonchalantly exist
That enemies always circle
And friends covet the most
Preying upon the unsuspecting
Who have let down their guard.

There is nothing worse
Than a man without a conscience
Unhindered by morality
And any code of conduct.

Lying in wait
To steal all he can
And always looking for something
Better than what he has.

Always pursuing money
And always seeking to fill
The empty pit of darkness
Inside of his soul.

Making any promise
And giving any gift
But always for the wrong reasons
And always by deception.

It took me the longest time
To understand what I lost
And it took me even longer
To see what I had done.

That words mean nothing
And useless anger a waste
When a mans value is apparent
By the way that he lives
And acts.

No man is perfect
And neither are our lovers
As love becomes an obligation
And obligation a burden.

We tip toe through life
And casually follow our whims
Never seeing the consequences
Until we feel the sting.

When we flirt with disaster
And survive another day
We think we are immune
And wander ever further
And further away.

Before we know it
We are lost in the muck
Far from where we should have been
Sinking with every effort
To break free.

So she made a choice
To leave me in the clutch
The easier choice by far
Because of my honor
And my code.

I know she tried to save us
And I know she loves me still
Which makes it even harder
To see her stuck
And see her struggle.

Fate brought us low
Both her and also me
As she sunk her teeth into my heart
Sucking out all my blood
Leaving me cold, lifeless
And white as a ghost.

But even the dead
Shall also rise
And I too shall see her again
Up and over
And back at the start.

We shall start over
On the other side of fate
Beyond the bounds of gravity
And sin.

Up and over
We shall be as one
Just as we were meant to be
Joyful, happy and triumphant.

The Choice 11/5/2012

Today is another day
But it’s never too late
To make a change
The first among many
Courageous and decisive.

A good man cannot be content
To swallow what is said
To be hooked, cut, and gutted
And hung out to dry.

Friends and countrymen have disagreements
But always recognize the same problems
Careful to consult their conscience
Every step of the way.

But evil men hate more than they love
Hating and blaming
With people as the problem
And vengeance in their heart.

Hiding their motives
And abusing their powers
To heap pain on the innocent
And excuse the guilty.

Their hated shall sink them
And all that they love
Showing their face
And revealing the truth.

And all the propaganda in world
Can never cover up the truth
Even though they try
And even though they rage
Obfuscate and lie.

Choose the harder path
And strike a blow for justice
Consulting the true God
Over resentment and hatred.

The courageous will always question
What the media culture complex is selling
Never giving up
And never giving in.

Dignity is for all
But respect must be earned
To each for his merit
And to God all the glory.

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