Friday, November 9, 2012

The Octopus

The Octopus 11/9/2012

I work in a big building
That has many rooms
Filled with people, computers
And miles of tape.

A many tentacled octopus
Who grows every day
Slipping in through the cracks
To tell us how to live.

It tells us
What to eat
And it tells us
What to think.

Watching every move
And controlling every outcome
Holding many secrets
And never telling the truth.

It is patient and it is quiet
Waiting for the right moment
To take what it wants
Sneaking in to help
And never letting go.

It can tell you what you are worth
And it can tell who you are
Holding nothing sacred
To get what it needs.

The monster is a beast
And it has very sharp teeth
Enough to swallow us whole
Like we never lived at all.

If you want to know what happened
I can tell you that now
The same thing as yesterday
All decided in advance
And all fixed for sure.

It decides what is fair
And it decides what is right
Without any heart
And without any soul.

Born of the world
And made up of men
Unchecked and unbalanced
And hungry for control.

I am a cog
And I am a human
Nothing but a piece
To be used until broken
And thrown away in the end.

Only God can defeat it
And I am sure that he will
Hopefully sooner than later
Completely crushed

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