Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Black Box Coffin

The Dead Box 11/13/2012

There's a crucifix around my neck
And I sleep on a satin pillow
Whispering secrets to the ghosts
That have painted on my arms.

Time passes over
And leaves us behind
Just waiting for the call
That never seems to come.

It’s been a long time coming
And I have been waiting forever
Looking up and watching the clock
Locked up and buried
Inside of a box.

My skin is pale
But my heart is black
Preserved for centuries
And made of dust.

The years pass by
And everything slips away
As inevitable as time
And cold vengeance.

But when the does the day come
When all things are finished
And we have had enough
When we throw off the lid
And rise up.

Imagine if you had no conscience
And imagine if you had no soul
Nothing but a cipher
Filled with hatred
And conceit.

A self serving sociopath
Always insulting and always arrogant
Blaming others
For what you had done.

Willing to do anything
Just to win
And get your way
Unhindered by decency
Or honor.

Taking advantage of the foolish
And the feeble minded
Knowing who to bribe
And where to cheat.

Protected by the blind
And insulated from criticism
Lying every day
And covering up your tracks.

And people are just pawns
To be manipulated and used
Hung out to dry
And left dangle in the flames.

The cut outs will take the blame
And all their secrets exposed
Anything to get your way
And blame someone else.

But even this shall end
Oh yes it will
And sooner than they think
Everything will change.

Its not okay
And its not alright
That the good are murdered
And buried at night.

Liars will lie
And pretend
They are justified
But the truth is the truth
By slaughter or suicide.

I move my hands
And stretch out my legs
Ready to kick off
The dirt and the lid.

Sleepers will sleep
And liars will lie
But the dead shall speak secrets
That only God can know.

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