Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Hemlock                     5/3/2016

The poison pill
Slides down easy
Melting away the pain
With a pleasing sense of euphoria.

A strange and alien comfort
In a world of heavy burdens
Pulling us downward
Towards an iron core. 

We who fool ourselves
Walk past the graveyard
Thinking that we are safe
And immune.

Trusting and foolish
We have only fooled ourselves
Sleeping naked
With our neck stretched out. 

Glowing white in the moonlight
Our blood can be smelled
As evil men grow ever bolder
And brazen. 

Even now they kill
Conditioned to obey
Children of the hive
Soulless and dead. 

I had to decide
What I wanted to be
And now you also must choose
To whom you will serve. 

Some wish to give
But many wish to take
Lusting after power
And swimming in blood.

Believing every lie
Until it becomes
Who they are
Slaves of Lucifer
Shinning in the night. 

Willing to murder
And willing to steal
Lying to your face
Until you hit the floor. 

I have seen them
And now I know
That all men are not the same
Good or evil
Truth, love,
Or lie.

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