Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Pharmacology    5/17/2016

If you can search
Then you can know
Weighing it all
In your heart
And mind.

Matching up the motives
With the actions
Predictable as a straight line
Measured across a distance
Cutting through time. 

When the rat jumps ship
You know that it is time
Because they always find a way
To protect what they have.

Hoarding their treasure
At the expense of many
The cruel and calculating thief
Always avoiding
Consequence and calamity.

Leaving an infection
That spreads in the blood
Surging with the tide
The poison in our veins.

We feel warm for a time
With the heat of the chemicals
But the tingle disappears
And we convulse
On the floor.

Endless the battle
That rages in our minds
As we are pushed and pulled
Against our conscience
With doubt and fear.

How many know
And how many care
As we all degrade downward
Stumbling to the end. 

Fighting against
The desperation
Welling up from the stomach
To burn in our throat.

I felt it many times
And it all weighs a ton
Left hanging on nothing
And dangling in the air. 

Once exposed
It hurts even more
The sucking wounds
Gaping in the breeze.

Stare it down
And spit it out
The truth out right
Born of pain
To save us all.   

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