Thursday, May 12, 2016

Snap shot

Snap Shot                            5/12/2016

You can tear up
The pictures
Or shop me out
Like I never lived at all.

Killing me off
At the end of the chapter
Nice and tidy
Dumb and dead. 

Tied up
With the loose ends
Conveniently gone
At the just the prefect time.

Used past my shelf life
I became as rotten food
Tossed into a dumpster
Worthless and spoiled.

But isn’t that all life
That rises with the sun
Filled with spirit
Happy and loving.

One moment laughing
And the next
A pile of trash
Dead flesh
Smelly and bloated. 

The money was good
But then it was gone
Weighed down by debt
And numerous obligations.

And then we become
Nothing but a problem
A burden to be heaved
At the earliest convenience.

That was me
And that was then
Dumped in a ditch
Lifeless and alone. 

But even then
It was not enough for some
As they haunted my every move
Vandalizing my memory
In the dead of the night.

Erasing my name
And replacing my affection
Lying every day
With cheap malice.

Never missing a chance
To grind me down
Separated and estranged
From all
I had known.

The days go by
And soon the years
Are gone
Nothing but a puff of smoke
In a photograph.

I pleaded to survive
And I asked for mercy
Given nothing
But a cold shoulder
Of unimaginable cruelty.

I have not forgotten
No, not even now
What if felt like then
To drown in despair.

Murdered in the spirit
And cut clean in half
By the truly deceitful
And profoundly insane.

Let God, dry up their money
And expose all their lies
Soulless, empty
And demented by greed.

No longer able to hide
And no longer able to cheat
Caught in their own trap
Of deception and cruelty. 

Weighed, judged and measured
For what they always were
An empty soulless vessel
Of evilness and envy. 

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