Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Casino                            5/25/2016

Another day
Down in the dust
And another night
Deep in the dark.

What thoughts would I have
If I was still sleeping
Indulging every whim
Flitting across my mind.

I would not even know
That I should care
Lost in my thoughts
And million miles from here.

She woke me up
By cutting me in half
Giving me no real reason
About why
Or how.

But isn’t that life
That we never really know
Hearing only what they decide
We need to know. 

The hidden always greater
Than what it is we see
Most of it underwater
Dumb, dark, and dangerous. 

Most people want money
And many lust for power
Doing anything to win
No matter what the cost.

We all need love
But some
They only have the need
Giving only to get
And loving only to steal. 

Leaning over the table
They stare intently at their cards
Sifting through the odds
And lying every day. 

Always scheming
And never at peace
Nothing but an empty vacuum
Driven by a demon.

Smiling on the outside
And plotting within
Murdering with stealth
With no conscience at all.

The subtle quiet liars
We have all seen before
Strange and mysterious killers
Of fools in their sleep. 

Taking the treasure
And emptying the nest
The golden eggs of promise
That were never ours at all.

A gift in one hand
And a dagger in the other
The wolf in sheep’s clothing
Sleeping in your bed.

Provoking you to anger
And tracking your ever move
The quiet creeping horror
Smiling at your death. 

Seducing many
Any way they can
Just to prove something
No man can have.

They will never be full
And they will never be at peace
Always empty
And screaming in their sleep. 

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