Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May Eleven

May Eleven                               5/11/2016

It goes on
And will never go away
The heaviness of living
And losing.

Strange, distant
And melancholy
The separation of time
And metaphorical memory.

An abstract moving picture
Rolling through my mind
Stopping at the same particular frame
Over and over again. 

I watch
And I look
Always wondering
If I am remembered
By anyone at all. 

But in the end
I am not
Forgettable and forgotten
And unworthy.

Others skate by
Barely slicing at the surface
Circling far away
And laughing.

But I
I just keep on going
Just strong enough
To tread the water.

The person
They could remember
Is no longer here
Sacrificed for nothing
Young and immature.

They glide past me
Oblivious the difference
Inside of my heart. 

How could I ever impart
All that I have seen
About how far I fell
And what it took
To stand.

I am the mystery
That was lost in the shuffle
Falling through the tiniest crack
And never missed at all. 

But you and I
We are not alone
Even in the dark
We are understood
And loved.

Let him who loves me
Judge me as I am
Deciding what I cannot
Either good or bad.

Let God find me
And do what he will
Raising me up
To serve
And follow. 

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