Thursday, May 19, 2016

Three AM

Three AM                    5/19/2016

It drags on
And it drags us down
The monotony of falsehood
In everything
And everywhere. 

A gigantic theater
Where we all live
And pretend
The darkness is light
And right is wrong. 

We keep on going
Like we have forever
But no one has forever
And most of all
Neither you or me. 

Every day it gets bigger
And every day we fall a little more
Deeper and deeper
Inside of ourselves. 

Hiding in the shadows
We hope against hope
That someone else will act
And someone else will stand.

Shutting our ears
And shutting our mouths
As the few who do
Are punished
And exiled.

Many sleep
And so also did I
Losing everything
In the blink of an eye. 

One minute safe
And the next savaged
Forever changed
And wounded. 

Now more than ever
Heed the call
The feeling welling up
And begging you to look.

Fear not
The unthinkable
And tremble not
When confronted.

But be prepared
To act
Protecting yourself
And others. 

Finding the words
From the spirit
The mouth of God
Given to all.

Look twice
And avoid the trap
Acting soon
Without regret.

Lest you like many
Live in their dreams
Trading away eternity
For a few minutes more. 

Love is here
Right now
A choice and not a feeling
Earned every day
And given for free.

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