Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Gradient                  5/11/2016

The moon man
Lives in a glass castle
Break it
And see if he awakes.

The earth sparkles
In the sun
Even if broken
And even if rotten

Plucked and purged
We are stabbed in the dark
Put to sleep with platitudes
That we all know
Are lies.

No one says a word
Because we all live in fear
Knowledgeable of a truth
That no man dares address.

Some are safe
But many are not
Lab rats in a maze
That no one survives.

We talk about talking
And we meet about meetings
Arguing semantics
On a sinking ship. 

We can bail all day
But its dead in the water
Filling up fast
And leaking like a sieve. 

The outcome is obvious
And unravels on cue
As the good cower
Ever smaller
And irrelevant. 

Now swings the hinge
Of all possible eternities
Veering at differing gradients
Either upwards
Or downwards.

Fewer men
Have made all the difference
Rising now
Or sleeping forever. 

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