Thursday, May 5, 2016


 Nightmare                      5/5/2016

The smoke still rises
From Elm Street
Curling tendrils
Acrid and cathartic.

The snow ball rolls on
Gaining speed and mass
Bigger and bigger
Heavy and wet.

The truth is dangerous
And the truth is pure
Much better than men
Bought and sold. 

It’s not about
Being perfect
Because no man  is perfect
And no man is pure. 

But even flawed men
Can uncover a truth
Straying from the center
Safe and secure. 

The nightmare begins
But still we will not wake up
Sleeping in our dreams
That were never true at all. 

Something happened
And it was not
As it appears
Lie upon lie
For decades and more. 

We go home
And we watch the news
Carefully crafted propaganda
Altered and edited. 

But we who know
Can see with our eyes
The horrible truth
As gruesome now
As it was then. 

Evil multiplies
And grows every bolder
Flush with success
And unable to let go. 

Too big to fail
And too rich to give up
Sitting on top
A mountain of bones. 

Desperate to hide
All that they have done
Men who would be gods
Rotten and corrupt.

Many are awake
And that is why
We see what we do
Finally able
To discern and ask.

Beware the final measures
Of the marked and deluded
Finally exposed
For what they really are. 

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