Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Allure                                                  5/31/2016

Look and see
Watch and think
Another day
And another night.

Perhaps no one told them
And maybe they just didn’t know
Skipping and singing
Down the sidewalk
Many years ago.

Only a few were heard
And only a few, could speak
Meeting behind closed doors
To meet and think.    

Led down a path
That was never true at all
Deluded, Dumb
Exposed and dead.

Thoughtless and aimless
We did what we were told
Nothing but an experiment
Poked, prodded,
And vivisected.

Tagged at birth
And tracked to the end
Funneled into tracks
To succeed or fail.

Weighed down with burdens
And blamed for every wrong
The innocent extorted
And the guilty excused.

But that is life
As it all falls apart
Built to fail
And dragging us down.   

But even in loss
It is still beautiful
Even now that we know
And even
When we see.

Perfection rebirthed
From every blemish
And breathtaking beauty
From every mistake. 

Thrown together
By accident
Like leather and diamonds
Or vodka and juice.

The tangled remains
Smudged and disheveled
Yet somehow perfect
And divine.

Everything crumbles
But that is the way of the world
The beauty surviving in memory
And seared in our brains. 

Life endures
Even though we lose
Death overcome
By invisible light. 

What we loved
And lost
Is here right now
Burning brighter than ever.

Good erupting
Out of nothingness
The handiwork of God
Shining through.

Echoing across the mountains
The sweet sound of her name
All of us together

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