Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Deep State

Deep State                              5/24/2016

On the cusp of forever
Man grasps at immortality
A treasure for the few
At the expense of the many.

Obsolete for labor
And replaced by robotics
The innocent useless
To the high and mighty.

Used up and discarded
Unworthy and raped
The powerless rubbed out
Over nothing at all. 

Hated and expendable
We see the ash heap beckon
Piled high with bones
Of human waste.

They think
They have forever
And they think
They are immune.

Laughing at the honest
And mocking the faithful
Stealing every advantage
Behind closed doors.

Planning their escape
And plotting their wars
Imagining they can win
Even against God.

The look among us
And they search out
The threats
Analyzing everything
For absolute control. 

Guiding our hopes
And dreams
With a carrot
And beating us
With a stick. 

But who has searched
Can also see
That the box is opened
And the cat is free. 

The truth rises
And is evident
In the stars
Written out
Indelibly in our souls.

It will not work
Like they thought it would
As the clock ticks down
Do or die. 

They do their worst
But it will never be enough
Crushed in an hour
The great deceiving beast. 

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