Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Octopi                                    8/5/2015

Who can hear the carny shill?
Crying out, for all to hear
“Look at this
And look at that!”

The pipe line is open
And the sewer pumps it in
Seven shades of terror
On everybody’s street.

We keep our heads down
And whisper on the phone
While the wolves roam freely
Stalking you
And stalking me. 

The octopi has tentacles
Dependent on the hive
Reaching in and out
Ever deeper and deadly.   

Complex people
Lead complicated lives
Acting and reacting
To dreams and stimuli. 

I am a dichotomy
Of conflicting emotions
Showing my weakness
And hiding my strength.

Order makes me comfortable,
But it is chaos that I love
The unpredictable and beautiful
Random and exhilarating.

Freedom gives me hope
And hope is everything
Because without hope
We are slaves
Hung by a leash.  

What are we
Without the means to create
Without the freedom to express
Angst and joy.

Give me every liberty  
To do, or not to do
Because without freedom
There is no joy. 

God gave us a spirit
A beautiful gift of renewal
No matter how far we have fallen
Or what we have done. 

Let it gush out
And spread around the world
In a cacophony of words,
Vision and sound. 

Strong against the current
Of entropy and death
A bulwark and a wall
Against the statist’s
And incremental death.

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