Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Fingernail             8/12/2015

She drew me a circle 
And then she Xed me out
Until I had nothing left
An empty blank space
And a double zero ghost.

It was much too easy
That strange and surreal alienation
Pushing me out, into the fringes
Where I could barely hang on. 

I fell into a deep dark hole
And there I fell forever  
Never hitting the bottom
Empty handed, bleeding,
Ashamed and alone.

My spirit crushed
In a silent mausoleum
Where the phone never rang
And sleep would not come. 

There is the place
That I can never forget
Where I curled up
Under the blankets
And under the earth.

In the dark
You can hide your face
In a deep dark corner
Where no one knows your name.

This place is for the forgotten
And a place for thoughts and people
The kind we would rather avoid
And ignore.

Frightening because of their memory
And painful because of their wounds
Hell on earth
And hanging from a ledge.

Twisting from a thread
And yet somehow surviving
An uncomfortable reminder
That all comfort and ease
Are temporary
And gone in an hour. 

But even this is a blessing
If you have learned
How to hang
The same person
On the top
That you were on the bottom. 

Hold on to this
Because that is all we have
The only thing that lasts
To be tirelessly good
And tirelessly faithful. 

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