Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Watcher    8/11/2015

When I was young
I did not know
But now that I see
It doesn’t mean a thing.

It is a dangerous hour
Both for you and for me
Our days fraught with deception
And collusion.

All that we believed
Is now exposed as fraud
Nothing but a scripted joke
And a predictable masquerade.

There is so much
That we never knew
Spoon fed since birth
Propaganda and lies. 

Used at every step
We are led down a primrose path
Only to be stabbed strangled and Bludgeoned  
And murdered for pennies.   

Discarded like trash
And buried in the mud
Power usurped
And history scrubbed.

It was all a lie
Fabricated for profit
A dangling carrot
Just to keep us going  
And just to keep us dumb. 

Sold out, subverted
Ridiculed and mocked
Our very kindness used against us
Just to keep us outnumbered
And just to keep us dumb.

A means to an end
For the soulless and the dead
Baited, trapped
Skinned and cleaned. 

Taught to believe in a guilt
That was never true at all
Just to take the blame
And pay the price. 

But the wise look at themselves
And examining their own thoughts
Big enough to remain objective
And humble.

If only we knew
And if only we understood
What it really means to choose
And what it really means
To love. 

Much is lost
And much is wasted
As we lose track  
Letting go of each other
Separated and confused. 

Only God knows
What was intended
As we frantically dig
For what we do not know
And will never find. 

My star crossed over
And now it has disappeared
Lost through a rip in the galaxy
Into another dimension
I cannot see. 

But deep down
All of us remain
A rag tag remnant
Hanging on by a thread

I reach out, In my mind
Spanning the distance
Of time and space.
Trying hard to make a connection  
The best that I can.

It is what I have
And it is, what I can do
Pouring out my heart  
Through my hands. 

It is enough to hope
And it is enough to pray
That these words, and thoughts
Will yet find their mark
And someone 
Will understand.

Extend yourself
As far as you can reach
In the greatest full measure
Of all that you are.

Let it fall
And run, where it will
The eternal truth  
Imperfect, irregular
Beautiful, and sublime.

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