Monday, August 31, 2015

Brake Check

Brake Check      8/31/2015

Inward, outward
Over, and done
We attract what we are
And repel everything else.

The discomfort is gone
But reality has set in
That something is wrong
And it’s going to get worse.

If I have been wrong
Then I have been right
Because even a fool
Can guess
And learn from his mistakes.

But what am I to think
When I track the omissions
When every single mistake
Points in the same direction.

Waking up and going to sleep
We all react
Just like we think
Sensitive to appearance
And criticism.

Compensating and over compensating
Trying to please everyone
In order to be accepted
And loved.

But what would
The evil do
Except to do the absolute minimum
Just enough to survive
And continue. 

Unhindered by conscience
And immune to guilt
Methodically taking aim
With every action they take. 

Willing to use every trick
And lying with ease
Stonewalling every effort
Hiding all the evidence
Through coercing and threat.

It took a sharp knife
For me to awaken
But waking up is nothing
When you are already
Bleeding out.  

We are just passengers
Watching the scenery
As the bus driver plots the course
Driving us where he will
And pressing on the gas.

You can switch your driver
But the direction never changes
Regardless of club
Each one is bought
Packaged and sold. 
Hold on to your seat
Because there is no room for error
As the masters of deception
Make all the arrangements
For you and for me. 

Faster and faster
We watch the scenery change
From good to bad
And from better to worse. 

The arrow of decision
Points where it will
Obviously deliberate 
Off the road
And over the ledge. 

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