Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware            8/18/2015

Perhaps she was right
That I was too sentimental
Fiercely loyal to everything
Beyond all reason and sense.

And maybe, she was also right
That my opinions were unrealistic
As I ruminated on routine injustice
And ordinary insults
Over and over again. 

All of that is gone
Washed away down the river
A part of me lost
And gone forever. 

But he who remains
Still looks backwards
Hung up on the rocks
And struggling to stand. 

River rocks are smooth
And slippery
Covered with slime
Worn, green, and cold. 

Wet and Wasted  
Sweaty and tired
My skin like salt
White and puckered.

I spent my last money
Getting drunk on the way
Because who can sell their mothers diamonds
Painlessly sober.

Pinning me to the rocks
And squeezing out my breath
The small horrors of betrayal
And foolish men.

It will take more than a river
To make me forget
But either way
We all must cross  
To know who we are. 

I broke my stick
So I could not steer
Flowing ever downwards
Powerless and sad.

Bruised and stuck
I had to ask for help
Swallowing my pride
For what it seemed like forever. 

Today is quiet 
And we glide
Under a canopy of trees
Protected for a moment
By a seven shades of green.

It is easy to speak
But it is hard to listen
As we travel in the eddies
Meandering to nowhere.

It was never about me
Because it was all about them
As I imagined a life
That was never mine to know. 

I might lose again
But we have all  lost before
So I extend my hand outwards
And hope I am not alone.

I shall come again
And ride down the streams
Faster and faster
Through the frothy white.

Let the water
Spray my hot head
Giving me the gift
Beautiful and free. 

I have learned
So now I let it be
More than enough
Until we meet again.

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