Friday, August 21, 2015


Transmutation      8/21/2015

Wounded but not dead
The white bird flies
Healed from the inside out
Lifting me up
And make me whole. 

The blows have come
Heavy and hard
But yet we survive
An indomitable remnant
Struggling within ourselves.

What has happened
Prepares us
As we learn from the past
To endure the future.

The greatest tests
Often go unnoticed
And even the smallest victories
Can make the greatest difference.

Nothing is over
And neither is the end
Unfolding before our eyes
The burning hatred
Of evil released. 

Lashing out
To do what it will
Inflicting as much damage
As it can
While it can. 

Horror upon horror
Documented and viewed
As even the deepest secrets
Are revealed for all. 

The truth will be twisted
And excuses will be made
Each blaming the other
Until the bitter end.

See the signs
Of bloody attrition
As the hounds are released
And fight among themselves.

Stalking and hunting
The old and the young
Anyone undefended,
Unprepared and unaware. 

Lie upon lie
And guilt upon lies
And unforgivable. 

Grace heals
And peace restores
Sustaining life
And feeding the soul. 

My iron wings have healed
And now I am alive
Unbound, unrestrained,
Fearless and free.    

Unmistakable and immeasurable
The miracle of life
And spiritual transformation
More than what we see
And more than what we are.

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