Monday, August 17, 2015

White Rabbits

White Rabbits       8/17/2015
We are cut loose
And free fall into nothing
Counter rotating
In between nowhere
And everywhere. 

Down into a rabbit hole
Where down is up
And up is down
A strange place
In a strange time. 

Unhinged and chaotic
We are jostled in our womb
Deceived by the messages
Hidden everywhere. 

Come see them dance
And come see us run
Scattered in all directions
Hated, hunted, and done.  

I think and I dream 
I pray and I write 
Holding each precious spark
Like a treasure 
From heaven.  

My little son
Climbs up, and into my arms
I hug him and I kiss him
Praying for him
And praying for me. 

I imagine myself
Running from afar
“Father hold me,
And protect me!” 

Climbing into his arms
Strong and mighty
More than able
To bless and protect. 

Children are pure
And children are innocent
Giving freely
And holding nothing back. 

Let my love
Be the same
And let my heart
Rest upon the truth.

Without suspicion
Or assumption
Pure of spirit
And hope. 

At home, where we always belonged
Peaceful, contented
Spirited and laughing
Loved and loving

This is what I pray for
And this is what I want
Nothing but loving you forever
Never looking down
And never looking back

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