Thursday, July 30, 2015

Flag Stone

Flag Stone    7/30/2015

This is as free as it gets
Unfiltered and unfettered
Bleeding all over the page
And launched into space.

An invisible web
Criss crossing the planet
Everywhere and nowhere
Invisible and omnipresent. 

Everything has eyes
And everything has ears
But there are more secrets than ever
Deleted and lost.

No one knows a thing
But a realist can still see
Understanding at once
Through experience
And self-preservation. 

We are nothing
But salt, pepper, and sand
Randomly tossed
and thoroughly examined. 
We are led along
And charmed with a flute
Skipping and dancing
On our way to the end. 

Suddenly stabbed
Only then do we recoil
Mortally wounded
Wordless and dumb.

But the proof was always there
Even if we ignored it
Rationalizing atrocities
And fooling ourselves. 

I did not know to ask
And I did not know to fear
But that is what she taught me
Before she left me
Bleeding in the rain. 

There is nothing more cruel than indifference
And the cowardice of ambivalence
Heavy as a damp blanket
On a hot summer day.

Betraying our trust
And selling us out
Abandoned by convenience
And discarded like trash. 

Watch them run
And watch them laugh
Pretending they are alive
One fake smile at a time.

This is truly their world
Stupid, empty, and fake
Nothing but cheap propaganda
For the gullible and dumb.   

Used  and expendable
Convenient and compliant
Laying down like paving stones
On a highway to hell. 

Hell is here
And it will eat
All that it can
Crushing our spirits
With a soft velvet hammer. 

Let the secrets come out
And rise up
Out of the black
Long hidden
And buried. 

Let it be known
No matter how ghastly
The original lie
Upon which we have suffered
And many have died.

Because the truth matters
More than anything
And who can ever grow
So long as they remain
Asleep in a trance.

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