Friday, August 21, 2015

Code and Pattern

Code and Pattern                      8/21/2015

Everyone has faith 
Even those who believe in nothing
Their faith firmly in themselves 
And the approval of others.

Swimming like bait fish
In the sunlit waters 
Never having the courage 
To risk 
And to know.  

If we came from nothing
Then everything is nothing
Nothing but an accidental
Combustion of miasma
Accidental, random and meaningless.

My thoughts and spirit
Nothing but a random hallucination
The imaginings of an amoeba
Swimming in soup. 

But in my smallest pieces
Therein lies the name
A code written in letters
In a sequence of meaning
And information stored.

And what prophet
Or prognosticator
Has ever been right every time?
Provable beyond myth
And hidden in plain sight. 

To tell this truth
Is to be the hated
Mocked for the obvious
Unfolding before our eyes.

All of this
Has happened before
Played out on a reel
And stored in history.

All the same
And predictable on cue
The beginning, the middle,
And the end
Cause and effect
Choices and consequence. 

Never once wrong
No not even once
As one step leads to another
Like my hand over flame.
It’s sad that we forget
And it’s sad that we are weak
Arrogantly pleasing others
Out of narcissism and pride.

Poking at the usual targets
The kind we know cannot hurt us
And mercilessly mocking the honest
Every chance we get.

But who has the courage
To speak the truth?
The real truth
Even against the protected
And above reproach?

If you cannot
Then you must know
Deep down the truth
And everywhere. 

We jump on the few
And rain down with ridicule
While ignoring far worse
Every day and everywhere.  

Trace the blood trail
And see where it leads
Always to the same place
Now and then 
The truth and the lie.  

Grow up out of guilt
And come up out of fear
To the fresh air of truth
About who, why, and where.

I also have lived
And I also have suffered
Suspended in the night
Dangling between
Wanting to live
And wanting to die. 

Beyond all explanation
I was plucked out of place
And given a treasure
A precursor of truth
Undeserved and beautiful.

But if I had the slightest doubt
I would surely tell you know
But never have I been more certain
Of anything, anywhere. 

If only, we could believe
But without expectation
Even before we saw
And even before we knew.

We always plan
And we always wait
But by the time we see the proof
It’s always too late. 

Now is the moment to ask 
And now is the moment to knock
Unceasingly to try
Even without an answer 
With everything you are.    

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