Thursday, August 13, 2015

In box 54

In box 54                                    8/13/2015

At this desk
Is where I have lived
Spending countless hours
Thinking about nothing
And thinking about thinking.

It was here that I grew
And it was here that I learned
Lost in numberless day dreams
Before I ever knew.

It was here that I made them
Lifelong friends and companions
And even the one that I married
Long ago and far away
Ever present haunting. 

I won and I lost
I laughed and I cried
Sometimes barely hanging on
When I think I could have died. 

Blood tastes like metal
And sweat tastes like salt
Awash in the tears
Of living and learning.

Heart ache comes
But it is then that we begin to understand
Just how precious love is
And how essential is grace.

Struggling against the odds
And trying to make some sense
Out of what we did right
And where it is
We went wrong. 

We will never be finished
And we will never be complete
But the pursuit is worth the journey
And the journey has only begun. 

None of it is an accident
And none of it remains unknown
All falling together perfectly
From the very beginning
All the way to the end. 

It hurts to lose
But without it
What would we be?
Thoughtless, spoiled,
Stunted, and dead.

We are here
Until it’s over
So I say, let’s make it count
Choosing what is right
And doing what is good. 

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