Friday, August 14, 2015


Slicker    8/14/2015

Dark, slick, and shiny
Are the shadows of memory
The kind we grasp at
Before they wriggle away.

Swimming in the back of our mind
Is the secret knowledge
What we once had, but lost
Distant, muted, and dull.

Fleeting by our periphery 
As we fumble around in circles
Desperately trying to recreate
Half remembered dreams. 

It is sad
That we forget
Destined to repeat
The same tragedies
Over and over again. 

Who is it that remembers?
What it was
That we once had
Dying by degrees
One minute at a time. 

When truth is gone
What is there to know?
Nothing but lies
And tyrannical control.

Arrogantly we judge
The many who came before
Unaware of the lessons
Screaming out,
For us to hear.

We think we know better
And that we are immune
Invulnerable to the same horror
Inflicted upon the numberless
And the nameless.

But I am not better
And we are certainly, not immune
Saved by prosperity and safety
On the heels of others
Long passed by.

You cannot save another
If you cannot save yourself
And who can save themselves
If they can’t sense the danger.

The truth is all around
All around you
And all around me
Even if it be horrifying
And terrorizing. 

Evil grins
And evil laughs
Never content
And never satisfied.

Staring at us
With laser daggers of death
Just waiting for an opportunity
To lunge and attack. 

Let it be no surprise
And let it be not be a joke
That pleasing ourselves
Has never worked
And never will. 

No one can ever say
That we didn’t know
When others have fought
The very same battles
A thousand times before.

The words come
And I have to write them down
Capturing them in the purest form
Before I forget
And before I lose. 

A rapid fire message
Coming from where I cannot see
A fire, not of my own making
Burning in my heart
And struggling to breathe.

Tomorrow is today
But yesterday never dies
Waiting to swallow the unsuspecting
Blood, bones, and all.  

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